Thank you for your interest in having a Cook Team in the 2025 Fairhope Rotary Steak Cook-off, also
known as “Fairhope’s Premier Street Party!” With annual attendance projected at over 3,000, your
participation exposes your organization in a positive light and gives you “bragging rights” as a
participant. ALL Cook Teams will compete for the Steak Cook-Off Grand Champion, People’s Choice
Award, Rotary Club Hospitality Award, and Best Decorated Booth Award. The People’s Choice Award
winner is selected by votes of the crowd and is subject to the whims of the crowd. Teams are
encouraged to be creative in making their team stand out beyond just a great steak. The Grand
Champion Award will be judged on measures of taste, and appearance – no garnishes.
Representatives from the Memphis BBQ Network will oversee the Grand Champion judging. EACH
Please retain a copy of this document for your reference.
Each team will receive special recognition at the event as well as in post-event ads and other
Fairhope Rotary Club communications. The winning People’s Choice Team will receive a 1-year loan
of the perpetual trophy. The trophy is suitable for display at a place of business and for photo
opportunities in trade publications and company newsletters. The Grand Champion Team will receive
a special trophy and will be the ultimate winner of the Steak Cook-off.
The Early Bird Cook Team Entry fee is $650 which includes meat and admission wristbands
for six (6) team members. Four (4) additional team bands may be purchased for $60 each.
The maximum number of team members allowed for early admittance is 10. The number of Cook
Teams is LIMITED. Entry fee must be paid in advance on first come basis. No refunds.
Checks and completed application can be e/mailed to:
Fairhope Rotary Steak
P O Box 741
Fairhope, AL 36533
[email protected]
Or click this link


To ensure quality service to every attendee, every cook team agrees to abide by the following rules:
1) Entry fee MUST be “paid in full” IN ADVANCE – prior to April 30, 2024 – no check, no meat, no exceptions!
No refunds for no shows.
2) Additional team members MUST purchase bands with a maximum of 4 additional team members. Cook
teams will only be allowed 10 total early entries.
3) The MANDATORY “Team Leaders Meeting” (and Packet pick-up) will be held 1
week before the event – Thursday, May 2025. We will email teams regarding
meeting details.
4) Meat is provided by Fairhope Rotary Club. For further details of the steak please see #8. Marinades and
any extras are your responsibility. For further details see #14.
5) Site entry for teams and grilling equipment on the day of event will be done via a staging area. Teams will
NOT drive directly to the event on Bancroft Street. Staging will begin at designated time slots given to you
prior to event day. Staging will be located at S. Summit St. behind the old K1 School. Each team will be
given a row to line up in labeled A, B, or C. All teams must be in place on Bancroft Street by 6pm. Only
Sponsorship teams will be allowed to stage early and allowed into event early.
6) Rotary will provide an assigned space unless you pay a $200.00 premium to choose your location. This
option, when available, will be assigned on a first come, first served basis at the sole discretion of Rotary.
7) You will get a $50 discount for every new team you refer to the event. The new team
must not have competed in our event in the last 5 years. Please help make this
the largest year ever!!
8) Included as part of your team registration, Rotary will provide standardized portions of whole prime rib
eye steaks to each team 24 hours in advance. Teams MAY purchase additional meat directly from Fairhope
Rotary’s Designated Vendor, Piggly Wiggly Fairhope, and shall use only USDA Prime or Angus certified meat
result in disqualification and further action determined by Fairhope Rotary. Teams are responsible for
refrigerating the meat at a temperature of 45°F or below and for storing the meat in a sanitary
container(s) at all times prior to cooking. All meat should be cooked to proper internal temperatures
(140°F or greater) prior to service. Warming pans may be utilized to maintain minimum internal holding
temperature awaiting service after cooking. Ice shall not come in direct contact with foods and ice used shall not be reused for beverage service. TEAMS WILL NEED one or more large clean and sanitized ice
chest(s) or cooler(s) when they pick-up their meat at the team meeting.
9) Fairhope Rotary will provide one banquet table per team. Teams must bring table coverings, and any extra
tables needed. Many teams bring at least one or two additional tables to allow for prep space and/or
additional display space and to cordon off their grill space for safety. Assigned spaces are now approximately 10′ × 35′, having been extended 10 feet at no additional charge. This is at the sole
discretion of Fairhope Rotary and, as noted, the dimensions are approximate.
10) Each Team must provide at least one sign or banner identifying the sponsor organization or business with
the name in a minimum of 3″ letters. Many teams use the sign to list team members or the business’s
principals, logos, or prior wins in this event.
11) Each Team shall designate one member as team leader who shall be responsible for compliance with all
rules and conditions as well as full compliance with directives of event officials. Event officials reserve the
right to make any necessary changes and there shall be no right to appeal.
12) Teams are allowed to use CHARCOAL or WOOD FIRES ONLY! NO PROPANE BBQs are allowed by the City of
Fairhope. All grills shall be cleaned prior to use.
13) Teams shall ensure that all charcoal, ash, oils and garbage debris is cleaned up immediately after the
event. Please bring trash bags for cleanup. NO DUMPING of grease or charcoal on sidewalks or street.
Please take garbage to designated garbage cans provided by city. Failure to clean your spot may result in
disqualification or deny entry to future events.
14) Teams must provide their own food grade marinade, rubs or seasoning. Teams must maintain clean and
sanitary conditions including appropriate refrigeration of all food items. Many teams arrange in advance
with local food vendors for preparation and commercial refrigeration until the event. All food preparation,
cooking, utensil washing, etc. must be done in a food safe manner and generally in a commercial kitchen
15) Teams must provide sanitary commercial cutting boards, knives and other utensils of restaurant quality.
16) Minimum portion size approximately 1″+ cube containing limited fat and no gristle or tough membrane.
Please portion your cuts to toothpick size bites. This will ensure you do not run out of steak too quickly.
17) Each team SHALL provide a) minimum 2.5lb fire extinguisher; b) any needed lighting with properly shielded
bulbs and c) suitable extension cords which shall be secured with tape or mats to protect attendees from
cords. Fairhope Rotary provides general task lighting via light towers.
18) Each team SHALL maintain clean and sanitary conditions to prevent cross-contamination. All hard surfaces
shall be wiped with wiping cloth and bucket of sanitizer solution of between 100-200 ppm chlorine (one
capful of bleach to one gal water and tested with commercial test strips). Any food handling shall be
limited to the team members who SHALL wash hands with running water and soap and dry with disposable
towels prior to ANY food handling activity. Rotary will provide Porta Potties together with soap and water
hand washing stations in common areas at the event. In addition, disposable food-grade gloves shall be worn by all servers. (Gloves or the use of sanitizer gels do NOT substitute for the hand washing
requirements.) To ensure sanitary conditions, Teams shall not permit smoking, drinking or eating inside the
confines of the booth. Appropriate clean clothing, aprons, hats and/or hair bonnets and disposable gloves
shall be used when handling food. It is your responsibility to comply with health and safety regulations.
Any other foods (toppings, sausage, etc.) used shall be restaurant quality and so handled.
20) We hereby waive all claims and hold harmless Fairhope Rotary Club officers, members, and volunteers
from any and all claims or legal actions which might arise out of this event.
21) No amplified sound or offensive conduct will be permitted.
22) Decisions of the judges in all categories are final with no right of appeal.
23) The event will be held “rain or shine” in May, 2025. The rain location is the Fairhope Civic
Center. The Team Leader will be contacted if weather conditions are unfavorable and require moving the
event. Cook teams may not be able to use large grill trailers at the Civic Center if space is limited. Team
space availability is limited and will be assigned on a first paid, first served basis.

Statistically, the following factors contribute to possible food-borne illness and should be closely monitored by
the Cook Team Leader, chef, and/or the Cook Team’s onsite designee:
• Food out of temperature (cold food must be at 45°F or less; hot food must be 140°F or higher)
• Poor food handling practices
• Insufficient protection of food from contamination
• Insufficient cold or hot holding equipment or inadequate equipment to sustain required temps.
• Inadequate hand washing and contamination by workers or other source.
• Unapproved source of food – no wild game for example.


"*" indicates required fields

On behalf of my organization, or business, I,
Team Leader Name*
acknowledge that I have read and understand the Event Rules and agree to be bound by said rules. Further, I have read, understand, and agree to the Waiver of Liability.
T-Shirts are not guaranteed. They will be distributed to the TEAM CAPTAIN at the Cook Team Briefing the day before the event. Size requests will be filled as much as possible, but we cannot guarantee your order.
TEAM SHIRTS (Quantity must total a max 6):
In consideration of your accepting this entry, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators, waive any and all right and claims for damages arising against the Fairhope Rotary Club, the City of Fairhope, or Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department and assigns for any and all injuries suffered by myself or my team members in the above-described event. Further, I hereby grant full permission to the event organizers to use any photographs, video recordings, or any other record of this event for any reason.